Sunday, October 6, 2019

Homelessness in the UK - what are the causes and its effect in the Dissertation

Homelessness in the UK - what are the causes and its effect in the society - Dissertation Example The houses of the people can also be destroyed by natural calamities like floods and hurricanes. (Main Causes of Homelessness, n.d.). The events of homelessness makes an individual all the more physically and psychologically unfit to live in. These people suffer from diseases like cold and insomnia. (Bodine, 2010). Aims The research paper on Homelessness in United Kingdom aims to achieve the following goals which can be listed as follows: 1. The causes which lead to making the people homeless in United Kingdom. 2. Effects of the factors which causes the people to become homeless on the life cycle of the people affected by such. 3. The changes brought about by the government through the introduction of policy measures aimed at preventing the people to become homeless. Objectives The objectives behind studying Homelessness in United Kingdom are to: 1. Identify the factors which cause the event of homelessness in United Kingdom. The identification of such factors would help focus on the safeguarding of communities from being made homeless. 2. Evaluate the potency of such impacts in disturbing the lives of the people in United Kingdom by making them physically and mentally impaired. The people put in the streets continually face the climatic changes which turns fatal for them. 3. Assess the amount of damages to life of the people rendered due to homelessness and policy measures taken if any to counter such. Scope of the Research The scope of the research paper is to underlie the causes which lead to the event of making people deprived of their homely or domestic environments. In that the paper endeavors to gauge the impact of such factors in immensely affecting the life patterns of the people residing in United Kingdom. The paper also divulges to find any significant policy measures taken by the government of the country in helping the people put in the streets to gain a better life. The research conducted gains due importance for it specifically focuses on a parti cular social evil which aims at snatching the basic means of living from the general population for which they also meet fatal incidents. The event of homelessness in United Kingdom has huge impact on the construction and housing business of the country. These families which were rendered homeless posed several types of complaints based on the houses rendered to them by the government of the country so as to counter the event. Homeless applicants who were rendered private homes to dwell in complained of lack of proper spaces to help them move away freely in the apartment. Further the location of the private buildings being near the crowded corners caused the occupants major disturbances in maintaining a silent environment in and around their homes. Further other special types of accommodation provided to the homeless people also countered huge problems for the rise in the amount of drug peddlers in the region. The people living in such households appeared to fear from the impacts of such people on affecting their children. For homeless people the best housing solution rendered by the United Kingdom government is to allow the local communities to build in permanent homes for them. Permanent homes build by the local authority for these people were favored above the temporary homes firstly because of their sense of security. However the government of

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